illegal broker fee?

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New Member
I moved into a new apartment in January, in Manhattan.
I responded to an ad on craigslist that said there was no broker fee.

However, when I was told by the broker that I got the apartment,
they told me that in order for them to allow me to sign the lease,
I would have to pay them a broker fee. They said it was because
I was unable to pay extra security to the landlord, that the landlord told them they'd have to collect their own fee from me.

I agreed to pay them in installments. So far I've given them $250. They asked me for a total of $1300. I am late paying, so they call me about three times a day, they called my employer, and emailed me a nasty email.

Leading up to getting the apartment, they also lied to me about dates, so by the time I found out I had gotten it, I had to run around and find movers that were available on such short notice.

They had me go "notarize" that I owed them $1300, before having me sign the lease.

They seem to be trying to intimidate me. I never told them I wouldn't pay it - I just asked them for more time, since the move (on such short notice) cost me much more then expected.

I was talking to someone who suggested this situation sounded illegal. :no:
Does anyone know?

This sounds like a SCAM.
The fact that it emanated on Craigs List, adds to my suspicion.

You signed a lease.
You owe your landlord, not these creeps.
You don't owe these bums a dime.

I'd just tell them that your lawyer said that you're reporting them to the police to get your $250 back.
You won't be paying them another dime.
In fact, you'll also be suing them to get your money back!

I predict you'll never hear from them again.
Of course, you won't be suing them.
That $250 is tuition money paid to the School of Hard Knocks.
Now, stay the heck off of Craigs List and e-bay.
Those places are full of scammers and crooks.
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