Illegal Eviction

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New Member
Im submitting for help on a landlord tenant
issue because I dont know how else to
handle this. On Dec. 23 I was taken to
court by my landlord because I fell
behind on the rent. The judge granted
till Jan. 11, 2010 to come up with
payment or to move. My landlord agreed
in court if she had all backed rent
plus Januarys we would not be evicted.
I spent quite a bit of time down at
public assistances to get help. Just
yesterday Friday the 8th 2010 I was
approved for help and she denyed
payment. I was told I still needed to
be out by the 11th at 12:00am. I spent
so much time trying to come up with
the money so I could stay I didnt look
for another place to go. Im 9months
pregnant my due date was Jan 8th so I
could have the baby any day now and
with little family I have no where to
go. I read the tenant rights booklet
and dont know where I stand as a
tenant in this situation. Im not sure
if this is legal for my landlord to do
and with no where to go Im exhausting
all efforts to not have to be put into
the streets with a new born on the
way. If you can please
find the time to contact me with any
information that might be helpful I
would grately appreciate it. Thank you
for your time.
So you have a court order saying to come up with full rent (no arrears) and get current or move? You have full rent and any added fees to get you current as court order says but Landlord still want you out by 11th? Seems to me that Landlord will have tough time getting you out if you complied with Judge ruling.
That read a little funny to me.
To be clear... you got the money you needed and the landlord refused it?
If so, make sure that is documented. Contact your local police and give them a heads up, that way they are aware of the situation ahead of time if the landlord should contact them to come evict you.
Get into the court as soon as you can and tell them what happened.
Assuming you still have the money available to pay the landlord, have a check ready to hand over at a moment's notice if someone should come knocking.
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