Illegal lock out New York/Manhattan

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New Member

Recently I have been told by the lady, from who I have been subrenting a room in her apartment, that I needed to move out. After she repeted this several times I told her I was moving out the same month, and she did not object to this when I told her.

Now the situation just got worse, I decided to move out most of my stuff because I was affraid she would either take it or demolish it, but part of my stuff remained in the room. I did not sleep there any more because being around her is to stressfull for me and would create only problems which I tried to avoid.

Today I went to the apartment to pick up some of my stuff when I noticed that she had changed the lock of the apartment door. When I knocked on the door she opened it and threw out some of my stuff that was still in the room I'm renting.

Now I do not know what to do, because I also recently found out that the subrenting of the room was illegal (according to the building management she is not allowed to subrent rooms). And I am affraid some rules do not apply.

I have a written agreement between her and me on the subrenting of the room (apartment address and number are mentionned, monthly rent is mentionned, security deposit is mentionned and there is her signature on it)

She is also telling me that I will not get back my security deposit (at least not is full), and for this she is giving me all kinds of fake reasons like:

-changing of the locks-- 175.00
-cleaning person-- 100.00-200.00
-professional exterminator --tba (you were asked repeatedly to keep food out of your room, but you refused, and as a result, there was an influx of roaches and other insects).
-this month's cable--70.00
-1-2 week's rent--if another person cannot be found to replace your room.

I now do not know what to do, and I am looking for as much as advice as possible before I act.

I hope somebody can tell me what to do, since I have no clue what my rights are and information is scarce.

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