Illegal practices

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I am employed at a VFW in Massachusetts and is run by a bar manager and a board of directors. Recently they were caught selling illegal lottery tickets and lost there lottery agent status. That was a major loss of revenue for us as when a customer won, they usually tipped 10%. Also, the customers abruptly stopped coming into the establishment also resulting in lost wages. Is there any legal action i can pursue to recoup lost wages?
If fewer customers are coming in and therefore you are earning fewer tips, there isn't anything you can do. I'm not sure who you think should make up for the reduced tips or why, but your employer isn't required to guarantee you a certain amount in tips or a certain number of customers per shift. If you are paid based on a tip credit, you must earn at least MW or each hour worked when you add the base rate to the total tips you earn, or your employer must pay the difference up to the MW.
You were given an answer for FREE.

You can PAY a lawyer for the same answer.

Most of the time, there is no "YES, BUT", just the answer you were provided.

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Agree, there isn't anything you can do. As you were told, you are not guaranteed any certain # of hours of work (unless you have a binding employment contract guaranteeing you a certain # of hrs.). It doesn't matter the reason why your employer is getting less customers &, therefore, you are getting less wages/tips. Sorry.
It doesn't matter why there are fewer customers, you aren't owed anything over MW for the hours you work. You are also not owed a set number of hours. It is no different than if your employer changed the menu to a less popular selection or just lost business to a new restaurant opening. You just don't have any basis to sue or make up for the loss in tips.
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