Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Illegal Search and Seizure--On Probation?

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This is simply a ficticious story that I needed advice on if it were to occur. Ok, myself, and 2 of my friends were out on a Friday night. It was approximately 12:35 a.m. and 2 of us had not yet started drinking. We arrived at our first club of the night. I was driving and I had one friend in the passenger seat and one in the back seat in the middle. I backed into a parking spot sort of behind a building (storage facility) located about 20 or 30 feet adjacent to the nightclub we were to attend. Club goers do park in this lot too though. One of the guys in the car had about a gram of what they said was cocaine and wanted to do it before entering the club. While the passenger was dividing the substance on a CD case on the front center console of the car with the doors closed and the lights off, he handed me the small pack of substance and I saw an unmarked car driving slowly about 30 feet away in the direction of the club's parking lot. They were looking at my car and may or may not have seen some suspicious movements by the other 2 members of my group while in the car. I told everyone to get out and we would enter the club. The unmarked cop car made the round through the club's parking lot slowly. While I was out of the car, the passenger in the car did one of the lines and then supposedly dusted the rest off but left the CD case on lying on the center console. We went into the club and stayed for about 5 or 10 minutes. The passenger wanted to get some money from the bank so he and I began to leave the club and walk back to my car. Upon turning the corner to arrive back to the location of my car, the narcotics officers' car was parked 2 cars down from my car and were walking towards us saying that they needed to talk with us. I put my hands into my pockets to get my keys to get ready to leave the lot. He told me to get my hands out of my pockets. They then told us both to come to their car and put our hands on the hood. They said they saw residue on my seats from cocaine. They then began to ask us if we had anything in our pockets. I said I had my keys and my phone and some money. They searched us and found about 6/10 of a gram pack of powder in my front pocket with my keys and phone. They then asked me if they could search the car or if they should get the dogs over. I said they could search. They swabbed the seats with a cutip and the tip turned blue and they charged my passenger with possession of cocaine. Since the other guy wasn't with us either, they swabbed the back seat and charged me with another count of possession since he wasn't there to claim it. The officer did not impound the car. They let my girlfriend come and pick it up. They gave my girlfriend the money ($200) that was found on my person to allow me to post bail and they gave her my cell phone also.
My questions are:
Is this a legal search and seizure being that the officers couldn't really make our identities out enough in the dark from about 30 feet away. And do they have the right to search us being that we were walking back towards the location of the car but had no cut and dry proof that we were the same people that they thought they saw previously involved in the suspicious activities?

Also, I was on probation at the time but neither of the officers knew of this as represented by them asking permission to search the car but they never asked permission to search my person. Also, I told them that I was on probation without any questioning on their part. But I told them this after we were in custody and in their patrol car (approximately 30 mintues after everything was over). I know I don't have rights as everyone else does if they knew I was on probation but being that they didn't know, is this a legal search?

Also, as I understand it, if they allowed us to enter a dwelling after the suspicious behavior was occurring and then come out after the behavior is over, they don't have the right to search us after the fact, do they? They actually let us enter the night club and then waited for us back at the car. Any advice is much appreciated and any pertaining questions I can answer to help with the answering of the post, I will provide quickly. Thank you.
You stated that the officers stopped you, had you place your hands on the hood of the vehicle. They then stated that they saw residue of suspected cocaine on the seat of the vehicle. This residue on the seat would be in plain view of the officers looking inside the vehicles windows. <<<<<reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. As far as them not knowing if it was your vehicle or not...A police officer may approach citizens, ask for identification, and freely ask questions to the citizen without any basis or belief that the citizen is involved in criminal activity. The officers could have asked you questions about the vehicle even if they did not know if it was yours. The way that you stated the officers had you take your hands out of your pockets (officer safety) and place them on the hood and stating that they saw the residue on the seats would be reasonable enough to believe that they knew you where the occupants of the vehicle.They then searched you and your friend...this can be done as a search incident to arrest (they where placing you under arrest for the residue on the seat) or they searched you because they had probable cause (the residue) that a crime was committed. Now as far as searching the vehicle you gave permission which gives them the right to search the vehicle. If you did not give permission to search the vehicle they could have searched the vehicle anyway. This could be done with a K9, alothough the suspected cocaine was again in plain view so they would only need a K9 to make a stronger case.

What you stated is not exactly correct. The officer said that he saw what he thought to be residue (but didn't mention what kind), which I truly believe was complete BS, because after we were arrested, I was told by my friend that the substance he had on the CD had been dumped onto the ground. In any case, he did not begin by questioning us...He began by placing our hands on the hood and going through our front pockets (first) and then back pockets. There was no pat down. And if this was a weapons check, shouldn't he first have asked me if there was anything sharp in my pockets before he stuck his gloveless hands there?
Also, how can he charge my friend with being in the passenger seat after they let us enter another building and then come back outside? He can't prove that this was the same person he thought he saw before. It was pitch black outside the first time he looked in our direction.

And lastly, I have actually seen a judge throw a case out because the officer let the suspect enter a building and then arrest him inside. Like I said, we entered a dwelling and stayed for 5-10 minutes. Isn't this and illegal seizure based on this? 2 lawyers I've spoken to thus far have definitely agreed but I'm interested in this group's opinion.
the narcotics officers' car was parked 2 cars down from my car and were walking towards us saying that they needed to talk with us. I put my hands into my pockets to get my keys to get ready to leave the lot. He told me to get my hands out of my pockets. They then told us both to come to their car and put our hands on the hood. They said they saw residue on my seats from cocaine. They then began to ask us if we had anything in our pockets. I said I had my keys and my phone and some money. They searched us and found about 6/10 of a gram pack of powder in my front pocket with my keys and phone. This was your statement.

It will be interesting to see this in court. I gave you information based exactly what you stated happened. Now once you see the officers report it is going to tell another story. Is a judge going to throw this case out? Your guess is as good as mine. I can tell you that by the statements that you gave me I could get past a preliminary hearing or PC hearing in this state without a problem based on what you just told me. I can you tell you that in another situation, or even this one that the case is only as good as the officer that writes the report and knows the laws of his state. If the officer can articulate that he saw you and the passenger in the vehicle behind the building..exit the vehicle, leave for any given period of time and walk back towards the vehicle. The officer can articulate that he saw residue of suspected cocaine on the seat and he can articulate that he saw YOU and the PASSANGER in the vehicle and no one else get in our out of the vehicle while you where in the building, so whatever you did in the building is not relevant to anything you where charged with. Your friend may have stated that he dumped all the residue out of the vehicle but do you really plan on telling a judge that as a defense? I think that will hold up real nice when the officer testifies field testing the seat came back positive for cocaine. Get a good attorney for your PC hearing and after maybe he can get you a good plea bargin.
I totally respect the opinion you gave but it is a fact that the officers only saw our resemblences while we were seated in the car with the lights off in a dark setting. The officer made the round around the club and we then exited the car. The officers did not see us exit the car at all which is why, I believe, they were parked back near our car when we left the club. So they may have made out our shapes, while they passed by some 30 or more feet away but they could not get a perfect description at all.

Also, I wanted to ask one other very important question: Now before I gave the officer permission to search my vehicle, he was playing with the alarm on my keychain and he accidentally popped my trunk. One lawyer I work out with at the local gym tells me that this is against the law for him to do, even if it was an accident on his part. Can you shed some light on this aspect, please?
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