Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Illegal Search? No reason to pull us over?

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Ok on Halloween two friends of mine and myself went into bel-air Maryland to get some food. It was late past 12:00 midnight and we were on our way home. We first went to tacco bell and bought some food at the drive through then went to a music shop and parked to eat what we had bought. I then pointed out the gutar that I wanted to purchas and then we were on our way home. As leaving the parking lot a police officer pulled in and then behind us flashed their lights and we stoped immediately. The police officer then came to the driver side window asked for liscence and registration the driver (not me one of my friends) proceded to do so. Right after the driver gave the police officer both his liscence and registration the police officer then opened the driver side door and told him to step out of the veicle. Then immediately after my door front passanger side and my friend's door were both opened by police officers. The police officer then searched the driver and found a water pipe, muschrumes, and marijuana. Then I was searched in which they only found a water pipe that I had put in my pocket as soon as I saw the police car and some muschrumes and my friend who had some marijuana and muschrumes. We were all handcuffed and sent to sit on the curb while they searched our veicle. We never used any drugs in the car. The driver never used any drugs the whole day before driving the car. Nobody was speeding, nobody did anything wrong but have possession of it. Is this an illegal search? Why were we pulled over in the first place? To add to this when we went to the station they layed everything out on a table. They had taken my wallet and a rookie cop (one who is not actually a police officer) placed my wallet on the table along with a bag of marijuana in it which actually was the driver's bag. The only thing illegal in my possession was the water pipe. I am now getting charged for possession of marijuana, muschrumes, and having the water pipe. PLEASE HELP if they had probibly cause explain. From my background in studying at school I believe this is an illegal search.
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The cop probably was just checking your friend's license. Sometimes people look to young to drive.

However, for the other stuff, I really suggest that you get a lawyer if you can afford one. If not, plead "not guilty" at court and get a public defender. This is a very complicated case.
Find out if the cop was called because you were at the music shop. Somebody probably called the cops on you. If someone did that is probable cause to pull you over.

How old was the driver? Curfew doesn't help your situation if he was under-age. Also if the objects were in plain site he had legal right to arrest all in the vehicle, and to continue with a search. If he opened the door them he violated your civil rights. Did he ask for permission, or did he ask if there was anything illegal in the vehicle? It all depends on the wording he used. Generally they prey upon the un-willness to be confrontational to the charges. Which means they figure you won't argue the case. Truthfully sounds like a few cops were just being over-zealous aain, but I'm sure you might have left a few things out.

Using drugs in the car doesn't matter. I fyou weren't using them in the car why did you have them there? Possesion is what is illegal not the use of it. Next time leave them at home where they belong. ;)

Also if nobody claims the items in the vehicle the person closest to it will be blamed for it's possesion. So your buddies are to blame for you being charged for possesion of marijuana. BTW if it's in the trunk everyone gets charged.

Get a lawyer... Plead not guilty.
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