Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant illegal search?

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georgia resident ,i purchased a car from a "friend" having really hard times i didnt need the car. i left it at his home until i could have it repaired.meanwhile he was arrested for manufac. meth somehow was lowered to possesion w/intent (?).he just dissappeared when he got out never even gave me a title. i got the car took it to another friends to look over fix it.he did so... i got the car on friday and was going to test drive for the evening, not even thinking to clean it out or go thru it (duh) i just drove on down the road. pulled over for only having my running lights on for 2 hours this cop kept me there ran my name, liscense were not valid due to an ins. cancellation ,where i changed cos and didnt call the other to cancel he gave me a warning ticket, so then he put his dog on my car (who only raised her leg to pee on my tire and turn to sniff it ) the officer just kept on and on and on asked me if he could search my car finally, my response was "no, i would need to consult my attorney before allowing that". cop:" i cant see us reaching him this late on a friday nite".he then ask me if i couldcall someone to come get car or he would have to tow it, i said my mom,who lived about and hour away. he tells me he cant wait that long. so he has to "inventory my car" he claims he found engine starter fluid and some other misc items consistant with manufacturing meth. 35 days later, 50,000 bond no job being sued for custody of children. any advice out there. i have never been in trouble not even a speeding ticket.
Very good question. If the officer had a right to impound the car, it's difficult to argue that there was an illegal search. If the meth was found in the trunk and it is not your car, you would do better to argue that it wasn't in your possession and you didn't have knowledge. You do have proof since your friend who onwed the car was arrested for manufacturing meth. If your friend's case is over, it might even help if he stated that the items were his.

I sympathize with you -- but you may get out of this since you did not have the "intent" typically required by law for criminal penalties. That said, if you know someone is having problems and that the car is likely to have problems with it (you didn't have the papers, etc.) then you shouldn't take a gamble.
illegal search

thank you for your input !!
what is your opinion of the ex DA being your court appointed attorney? i havent heard a word from him since day one kind of makes me nervous. ive also heard court appt. attor. make the best cases:confused:
illegal search

;) hhhhmmmmm, im not sure what im waiting to hear
just knowing my life "hangs in the balance" is bothersome
maybe i should concentrate my energies somewhere more needed, huh. you have really put my mind at ease and almost make it seem so "menial" in a way ( possitive ) again, thank you for your feedback.a small piece of mind is definately better than none i have 3 beautiful children whom i need to focus on to be "healthy" ciitzens, lead by example they say ......
Frequently the problems I encounter with clients is that they, understandably, want a resolution already!!!! :) I don't blame them. But the truth is that the court system typically lags and is slow. You should definitely concentrate your energies elsewhere and put them to good use on your wonderful children. :D
For what it's worth, my advise would be to move onward and upward. If you have 3 beautiful children and you care for them well and carry yourself as a good citizen in society, there is always the chance you will be recognized as a victim of circumstance. If you have a rather contributing or related record, things may not be as much in your favor. My point is similar to the first-time speeding ticket. Often if you are found to be a good person with a clean back ground the cop will choose not to mar your good standing with such a petty citation.

Just another avenue to consider.
Best of luck ;)
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