Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant Illegal seizure of car

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On Sat I arrived home at 7am the first thing i noticed was the Dodge Omni i had parked in back was missing. The buick i had parked there was destroyed, back window out, back end looked like it had been rearended by another vehicle.

I immediately called the police to report the Dogde stolen, and file something on the damage on the buick.

When the officer arrived, he informed me that they had the Dodge, it was impounded as evidence in a minor incident.

He would not tell me what this inccident was. I ask to see the car he said no. I said well i want a stolen car report done, he also told me no, that he would not file a stolen car report. His reason? That the officer doing the 'investigation' would have to handle all my questions but he wouldnt be in until Tues night at 10pm

First, can they legally take a vehicle off of someones property without notifying anyone? If that person reports the vehicle stolen can they refuse to take that report?

This whole situation is ridiculous I can NOT believe they wouldnt take the stolen property report, or tell me what went on, or let me see the car to see if it was damaged as i wanted to see if it looked like it was used to ram into the buick.

I need advice and fast, i cant afford an attorney but this just can NOT be legal and i dont know what to do!

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