Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft I'm 18 and was charged with petite larceny


New Member
I was caught shoplifting at (deleted)for some stuff it was $160 worth of stuff (deleted) rules are if its more than $25 they have to notify the cops so they did I wasn't handcuffed or taken to the police station in 18 years old my record is completely clean I have never been charged with anything and never done anything this is my first offense the police asked me a few questions simple ones like my weight hair color and if ever been convicted of anything I'm not a U.S. citizen I have a legal work permit called TPS. My question is will it affect my work permit? Could they take it away? Will it go on my record?as a misdemeanor? Should I get a lawyer? What could be my sentence? Will i go to jail? Please answer my questions I'm so scared I'm gonna be charged with jail time and other bad things this happened in the state of Virginia woodbridge Virginia to be exact
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I am a retail theft consultant and answer questions like yours daily. Yes you need a lawyer and no this isnt going away. When you talk to this Lawyer ask about plea options like ACD or Diversion to protect your record. I also advise you remove store name from your post
I removed the name of the store from your post for your protection/forum protection. You most likely will also receive a civil demand letter through the mail. Talk to a lawyer as suggested.