I'm a IMMIGRANT Grandmother I allowed a family to stay& now they won't leave

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My Husband& I allowed a father and his 2ADULT children to stay for 2 months to help them get on there feet so they stayed in the extra room . I was told they would be leaving by the ending of Jan. They now refuse to leave, now they have threaten me with Immigration that they have reported my Illegal statues, they have called me a Dog to go eat my dog food they have called me names they have got in my face when I try to stand my ground. My gas bill arrived to my surprise it came in there name & found out they told them we moved, I immediatly had it changed back. I'd also ask them to please don't use my washer & dryer, they did anyway. I have now been forced to put a lock on my wash room I pray they don't break into it. also my refrigerator broke down. they purshused one, put it in there room I have lived in fear of my life not knowing if one day they may hurt me or my husband. out of fear because I'm not legal I'm afraid to be sent back to a country that is killing people. My children and grandchildren are here please help me to do this with the Law's that God has placed in this great Nation which I call home!!!!!!!GOD BLESS YOU
My Husband& I allowed a father and his 2ADULT children to stay for 2 months to help them get on there feet so they stayed in the extra room . I was told they would be leaving by the ending of Jan. They now refuse to leave, now they have threaten me with Immigration that they have reported my Illegal statues, they have called me a Dog to go eat my dog food they have called me names they have got in my face when I try to stand my ground. My gas bill arrived to my surprise it came in there name & found out they told them we moved, I immediatly had it changed back. I'd also ask them to please don't use my washer & dryer, they did anyway. I have now been forced to put a lock on my wash room I pray they don't break into it. also my refrigerator broke down. they purshused one, put it in there room I have lived in fear of my life not knowing if one day they may hurt me or my husband. out of fear because I'm not legal I'm afraid to be sent back to a country that is killing people. My children and grandchildren are here please help me to do this with the Law's that God has placed in this great Nation which I call home!!!!!!!GOD BLESS YOU

You are between the devil and the deep blue sea.

If you report them, they report you.

Then you get arrested.

To get them out legally you will have to evict them.

However, if by chance one of them were to beat you, slap you, or even scratch you; you could report them to the police for ELDER ABUSE!

They would be arrested and hauled away by the police.

The risk for you is that the police check your name and find out you are an illegal alien.

Maybe you should just pack up all your stuff and return to your homeland.

At least you could live free and not have these people abusing you.

Yes, you are caught between the devil and the deep blue sea.
Don't be afraid to pursue this. You can evict them from your home with the help of the county courts. Your immigration status means nothing here.
They can report anything they want, but you won't be getting arrested or deported unless you commit some kind of crime. The local PD won't care too much about the accusations.
Deportation is handled by the federal government, not by the county court during an eviction hearing.

Visit the court immediately and learn the procedure for eviction. The sooner you start, the sooner you can get them out. In the mean time, if they damage your property, threaten you, or act violently, get a restraining order. With a restraining order you may be able to get a move-out order and speed things along.
i also agree that you have to call the police and let them know what is going on.. you are a elderly person, this is your house where YOU pay the bills and all, give this man and his 2 adult children like 24 or 48 hours to leave, make it a written notice, if possibe send it to them via certified mail where they have to sign for having received it.. that way you can proove that you rightfully gave them an eviction notice and if they do not comply with your request to leave you can call the police and ask them to remove these 3 adults.. also, since you are a elderly person and so is your husband as i assume, the 3 people do not even have to physically hurt you but they already commit elderly abuse by Mentally and Emotionally abusing you...
Abuse is also counted via words not just physically.
good luck
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