I'm being harassed constantly?


New Member
I have been living here for a yr and 4 months. My lease is up in October but there is no way I can stay there for 2 more months. It's to the point where I don't even want to come home. I'm constantly getting harassed and the threatened by a neighbor who I unfortunately met when I was walking my dog about 4 months ago. At first she was nice and played this poor me, I need help, I need a dog so I'm not lonely etc. I fell for the pitty story she tells everyone so they'll feel sorry for her and she will get her way. so Of course I helped her with a garage sale so she could get her a dog. And I was just being a nice person. She would ask me for the most outrageous stuff that I of course said no and that when she would start with me. Then She started calling me all the time and coming to my apart and knocking and I wouldn't answer and she would literally knock for 5 minutes. So I cut her completely off. Blocked her number. Completely avoided her and the entire area where her apartment is.. I Park far away from where I live so I wouldn't run in to her. I take my trash to the other side of the apartment complex so I don't run into her. I'm scared of her there really no telling what this woman will do. Well I go to check my voicemail and I have 15 blocked voicemails all from her. Threatening to call my job and make up lies to get me fired threatened to poison my dog. She ripped up my plants.. And the worst is she put dog poop on my door to my apartment. This lady doesn't work and has nothing to do but to start drama. I have all the voicemails of her threatening me. And I have to leave. image.jpegimage.jpeg
My landlord wants me to write a email so she can send it to corporate... I just need some advice as a tenant who's being harassed and I have to leave.
Do as your landlord asked. If they have a problem tenant they can begin procedures to remove that tenant.
If your landlord is aware of what is happening it will make it easier to break your lease if you really must.
As for legal options, It sends you have plenty to justify getting a restraining order from the court. If she were to violate the order she could be arrested every time she does so.
She lives probably 25-30 ft away from where My apartment is. So I don't know if the restraining order would really work. I did exactly what the manager of the apartments said to do. So I'm just waiting to hear back. I have to get out of there. I'm sick over all of this.
That doorknob is certainly a very untidy, nauseating mess!

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