Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI I'm in desperate need of advice so I know what to expect at court Friday morning.

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New Member
I recently got a DUI, and my court date is Friday morning. At first I wasn't too worried as I thought this was the only time I had been in trouble with the law. I went on thinking this until last week when I remembered at the age of 18 I received a minor in possesion of alcohol, in a different county than I am currently living. I made arrangements at that time to take classes, do communtiy service, write a paper, and finally pay a fine. I completed all except for the fine, as I have been on my own since I was sixteen and do not have extra money for such things most of the time. I received a letter in the mail back then stating a warrent would be issuded for me. When I was arrested for my DUI the police never mentioned the warrent. My question is, When I get to court on Friday is there a possibility they may arrest me and place me in jail for the outstanding warrant in a different County?
Also I am curious if I can do jail time to satisfy my fines for any or both charges, as money is very tight for me at the moment and could better be used on school and bills.
Can you call the county to find out if there is a warrant for your arrest? How long ago was the first problem with the alcohol possession? Since you are going to school to ultimately find a better job, I would think you'd want to pay the fine rather than risk jail time and possible future employment. I'm not an attorney or anything, but it just seems to make sense.
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