Im lost and need direction...

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Hello, my name is Tabitha. I know that this will be a long and detailed post, however I ask that someone take the time to hear my story and offer some advice.

About 3 weeks ago I signed a year long lease with my boyfriend. He took the copy and turned it into the landlord and I havent been able to get a copy from him or my landlord since.

The situation started ok, however after a week in the apartment, on 3/8/08, my boyfriend who was intoxicated used some physical force (pushing, pinning down) against me because I didnt want to have a involved conversation due to the level of alcohol in his system.

3 days after the incedent he continued to pressure me to give him a time frame on how long it would take me to get over what had happened that last weekend and I couldnt give him the answer. So I told him we should just dissolve the relationship and be done. As soon as I said that he flipped.

He started to try to remove my belongings from the residence, and I informed him he couldnt do that because my name was on the lease. He refused to listen, so I called 911. When the officer arrived he was able to talk my ex into not removing my belongings outside and warned him that if any of my property was put outside or damaged that he would be arrested. I had plans to go out with a friend and the officer said it would be best if I left for a while to give us both time to settle down, so I did. I put my dog in the kennel located in the basement and left for the evening.

While out with my friend I had left my cell phone in the car while we visited with some friends. When we got in the car I noticed several text messages about how he was taking care of an animal that wasnt his, and he had called the police claiming I had abandoned my pet. He also said that if the dog wasnt there in the morning it wasnt his fault. Not even 20 minutes after that text I had received a text about how my dog had gotten outside. I called him and told him that I hadnt abandoned my dog, and that he was secure when I left and he had better be found by the time I returned home.

When I returned a few hours later and tried to unlock the door my key didnt work. He had switched the locks of the apartment so I couldnt get in. I rang the doorbell several times and knocked loudly on the door until he let me in.

When I went inside I seen that he had moved all of my stuff out of the back bedroom and put it all over in the living room. He went to the back bedroom and locked himself and my dog in the room. I pounded on the door and said that he felt he needed to remove all of my other belongings from the room so he needed to release my dog. He refused, so I removed the door knob and got my dog. He was very upset and started verbally attacking me.

I went into the garage to get some boxes to pack up some of my stuff and he locked the door behind me. I tried to open the garage, but he had unplugged the opener, and rigged it so I couldnt pull the release. I banged on the door and told him if he didnt unlock it I would call the police. He finally let me back in and continued with the verbal assault. I returned to the garage to get a smaller box, and as soon as I cleared the door he closed and locked it again. I didnt have my cell on me that time, however I begged for him to open the door saying that he had no right to keep me in there. After a few minutes he let me back in, and when I stepped through the door he threw the contents of a full ashtray in my face and then spit in my face.

I called the police and when they got there they talked to us individually and then brought us together. When I confronted him about locking me in the garage, the ashes and spitting he said that he didnt do it, so I showed the officers the ashes all over the floor and in my hair. They didnt do anything! They said that we both needed to grow up and calm down. My car was in the garage, which was locked up and his van was parked behind me outside. The officers asked him to move his van in the street so I could leave if I chose to. I told them it didnt matter because the garage was locked and they had to go out there and get it to open for me. They explained that if the police were called again someone would get arrested. They never asked me for a written statement, and basically blew off the whole assault because I had no physical marks and he said he didnt do it.

Over the next few hours I had to take verbal abuse while gathering my belongings. I called my cousin to come and give me support. When she arrived and realized what was going on she said she would go get a truck to help me remove my stuff. I loaded my car and took my dog over to my mom's house. Made arrangements for my uncle and sister to come and help me move the washer and dryer out of the basement and some of the other larger items. My cousin and I returned to my apartment with 2 trucks, and my sister waited on my uncle at my mom's house. My cousin and I loaded up the trucks and took the stuff to my mothers and picked up my uncle and sister. Right after we left my apartment, he texted me saying he was leaving for a couple of hours and I had to wait on him to return to collect more of my stuff because he was locking the house.

During our wait I called the landlord to inform her of what was going on. She seemed sympathetic to my situation and I found out from her that only half of our move in amount had been paid. My half. He had post dated a check stating that he had been in a car accident and broke his jaw and was unable to work. This was a lie. So, at this point I am the only one who has paid anything on this apartment and I was locked out.

We returned to my apartment. I noticed that my full size bed had been moved out of the spare room into the back room where he had again locked himself into. I told him I knew about his lies, and that he hadnt paid anything on the apartment at that point. I also told him that he needed to give me my bed. He thought that we had picked up another bed from his daughters mom and was holding mine until he got the other bed. I told him we hadnt picked up the bed and that he needed to open the door. When he finally opened the door he shoved the metal bed frame at my sister and I and made gashes in the hallway wall, which I showed to the police. He then started to push the mattress out and for some reason he called the cops. He told them that we were attacking him!!

When the police show up this time he is still locked in the back room, we all waited outside in the driveway. The first officer started talking with me, and the second went and spoke with him. The officers said that they couldnt make either of us leave because we were both on the lease. They have me call the landlord, who also says that she cant say who stays or goes. I state that I was the only one who paid on the place and I felt it was unfair that I was being pushed out of the residense. He had moved my belongings, changed the locks, assualted me and I was the one who had to leave? This didnt make any sense.

The second cop on the scene was a female, and after about 30 minutes there I could tell that finally somone was understanding how unfair this was. She gave me the case numbers of each incedent and told me that it sounded like I had a valid complaint against the officers who were there earlier that morning. She advised me that it would be best to just continue to remove my belongings and go through courts over the apartment. So, here I was, being forced out of my apartment. The cops said, again, if this continued someone would get arrested.

Three different cops, 3 different warnings about arrest. However dispite the fact that he threatened my safety, my job, held me against my will in a garage, assaulted me, and he is on probation for worthless checks, and I find out a day later that he is also in contempt of court for not paying child support, and nothing was done.

I have asked for a copy of the lease from him, and the landlord and havent received it. I have spoken to the landlord about removing my name from the lease and she said we have to settle it between us. I asked him to agree to sign a notarized statement about releasing me from all liability of rent and damages and he said he would only if I forfeit my $710 deposit. I tried to get him to agree to pay me back all except for a week and he wont. I just want out of the lease, so I finally agree. This was a couple days ago that he said he would get that statement, and I havent been able to get ahold of him since. He also agreed to give me a copy of the lease, and I have yet to get that, too.

I have tried to talk to the landlord and she wont help at all. Now that I told her that we have reached an agreement said she doesnt know if that will be ok unless he finds a roomate because he cannot afford the place alone.

She is away in Florida and said her manager will handle it, and when I ask her for contact information for him she said she doesnt want to involve him. I ask her to get some information from him for me and she said she would when she returns to Wisconsin. When I ask her when will she return she said she didnt know.

I have filed a restraining order against him this past Thursday, it hasnt been fully processed yet, will take up to a week, because he has called my job trying to get me fired. Included in that file is a handwritten letter from him that he wrote that first night he was physical with me saying how if I had just sat and listened to him he would have never put his hands on me.
I was advised to save all text messages that contained his threats, I did.

I have been forced out and locked out of my apartment, and I am by law responsible for it. I have been assaulted and even if for only 10 minutes held against my will and havent received any help from law enforcement.

He is dragging his feet to get me that statement. My landlord isnt offering any information on how she wants this handled and wants it to go through the courts. But without any of this information I cannot proceed.

The loss prevention person in my retail store, who works part time as a cop in a smaller neighboring town said I need to call the D.A. because something should have been done to protect me and nothing was. I am filing a complaint against the officers who did nothing when I was locked in the garage, and assaulted with ashes and spit on.

I didnt know where to start, so I came here. I am so lost, and I have never been faced with dealing with issues like this. If there is someone out there that can help me, I am in desparate need.

This post took a while to write, if someone can offer advice on the phone, my cell is 715-456-2375 and my name is Tabitha. I work days, and the best time to call would be after 6pm.

Thank you for taking the time to hear my story, and I will be back to check on a reply, as well as watching my phone for a call.

Sincerely Lost,
Well well well, and I thought I had problems, sorry to hear all this hun, really am....

First of all, this guys on probation, take everything you have to his probation officer, if you get nothing, go to the supervisor. Most probatio rules state that you are to have NO CONTACT with law enforcement, so he violated it already. Second, have patience with the restraining order, these thing DO take time, and sadly, he will have to be given a chance to appear in court to defend himself. Thirdly, please tell me you're never going to take him back, hopefully you've learned your lesson. As for the lease, unless you can afford costly litigation in court, just let it go. You might take a small bump on your credit, but usually it doesn't go that far. And finally, hang in there, and have faith. God doesn't let innocent people suffer for too long, everything will become clear to you, if you just let the answers come to you. Say a prayer, and watch what happens.....God bless you hun, and good luck.
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