Im NOT on Probation....

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.... Yet I have to deal with NYS Probation Dept for visitation with my children.
Long story short. I returned to Florida after 4 years of hell dealing with NYS Child Support Enforcment. I was $12,000 behind in support, I had the money in a jar in my room REFUSING to send it to the state untill I recived visitation with my two girls ages 13 and 11 now. I have yet to see them but I had to Pay the support or walk. There is NO seperation or Divorce as we are still Married. I am in Florida, and have once again started my Jar Of Support. I have a few questions:
1) Can Court Ordered Support be given while still married?
2) What are my rights as to visitation as we are still married.?

*** I found out from my oldest Daughter, that my <cough> wife is in a Lesbian relatoionship living in her girlfriends house with my children ***

Tx for ANY help ya'll can offer...
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