Owner Change I'm not on the lease but renting from the guy on it.

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I've been living in a rental home with another person. I'm renting a room from them for three years now. They are the only one on the lease, although I met the owner a few times and he has been aware of me living there. The guy who I'm renting a room from passed away unexpectedly a few days ago and now the owner of the house came over saying that I have 24 hours to be out and that Im trespassing. I told him I payed August rent and would take over after that if possible but he was rude and told me hes calling cops if i dont leave asap. Ive been there 3 years your little longer and it takes a little while to find a place so I was wondering, do I have any rights and what do you recommend for me to do? Also how much time do I have to get out of there legally in Seattle,Washington king county? Thank you so kindly,Mandi Cain
The owner must evict you. The police will come, if called, but they'll tell the owner it's a civil matter. They can't and won't evict you.

However, the mere filing of an eviction can negatively impact you for years, maybe decades. The filing alone can possibly make it very difficult for you to find good housing.

I suggest you start looking for new digs ASAP. Yes, it takes time and money. So, time is of the essence as you've said. If he files, the entire process could take anywhere from six to twelve weeks, give or take.

Good luck.
Agreed. You can't be tossed out in 24 hours... not legally anyway. The sooner you find a new place the better. The landlord does not have to allow you to stay.
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