I'm not sure what to do.

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I have had this belligerent customer come into my store and make a scene in the store that I am an assitant manager at, after asking the customer to leave the store he began to threaten my managers and my own life and then he tore the front of the store apart, after the cops were called and the statements were taken, the district manager showed up and gave us trouble for pertecting the store. when all was said and done the district Manager Dropped the charges because the belligerent customer made it into a racial inccident, because he was African Amarican. The Manager of the store that I am working at quit because that ment that the person that threatened our life was aloudd back into the store, and she didn't feel safe anymore. Now one week after the inccident the district manager has told the new manager that I quit, I gave no notice to anyone, and I feel that I am going to lose my job... he can't say that I quit if I didn't send anything into head office with my signiture on it right.... Everyone keeps telling me to go to the labor board... do I really have a case, or will I just be wasting my time?

Please help
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