Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI im on dej and got a dui

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New Member
i have been doing my program classes and meetings. i am on prescription medication, i lost my 23 year old son suddenly on march 10,2010 and my doctor gave me a new medication. i felt fine but i had to drive to an appointment and i was about a mile from my destination i felt dizzy all of a sudden i was pulled over and arrested for dui what will happen now i have a new case?
If you are convicted on the NEW case, you'll be revoked on your prior case.
You could do some jail time, maybe even prison time.
It will pay a bundle to the state, your auto insurance could get cancelled, or at least your rates will skyrocket.
You will also lose your driving privileges.
The might, power, and fury of the State of California will fall about you.

You need a GOOD defense attorney.

You need prayer, lots of prayer, and a few four leaf clovers.

In a couple of words, you need some GOOD LUCK!

I am sorry for your recent loss.
You might consider checking yourself into rehab.
The court will consider the fact that you're trying to fix yourself.
Seriously, none of those excuses will cut it in court.
That is why you need a lawyer.
If you can't afford one, the court will appoint one for you.

There is also one other thing at play here.
California is nearly broke.
That works for you.
The state has far more serious offenders that you to put away.
That could benefit you in the long run.
Again, I am sorry for your loss.
May God comfort you during this very difficult time.

I recently loss my son-in-law in Iraq.
When all else fails, take it to God.
He's always there and ready to help.
Army Judge, this is her reply to you, including additional questions. She began a new thread, so I copied/pasted.

i have been enrolled in a drug and alcohol class since jan 18th 2010 i have missed a couple of classes due to my sons death we meet once a week. i will have completed that program on june 1 2010. will that count as rehab?
i am no longer taking and medication so i will not ever have a dirty drug test,

i am also sorry for your loss, i dont know how to get through this horrible pain i feel all the time. until i know why he died in his sleep, he was fine that night it might be until june before i know why..

thank you for your help
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