im scared to report my manager because she has a history of retaliating what can I do?


New Member
I work for a big corporation at one of their small offices. my manager often times shows favoritism. If for whatever reason you don't rub her the right way or kiss up to her she can be very nasty. I myself have been victim to her vindictive ways. For the employees that she favors she often sweeps any issues or mistakes under the rug with no fuss. She's picked on me about my appearance told me I needed to wear make up and that I would look better if I lost some weight. There was also a male coworker who made several comments about my weight and even went as far as calling me the b word. And other than a firm talk he was not reprimanded. At one point I saw this male coworker breaking HIPPA regulation and reported it to the doctor. I was reprimanded and told that he was senior clinician and that I had to discuss my concerns with him before taking it to a higher authority. That employee was confronted by the manager and admitted to breaking Hyppa regulations and had no consequences to his actions. Following that she plays the HR claim stating I was unfit for my position because I had had A car accident a year prior which left nerve damage to my hand. During that time I was constantly being written up for mistakes that other employees that as well. She has done this to other employees who either ended up quitting or getting fired. She's had many reports against her to HR and has never been reprimanded so I believe that she has a close friendship with someone in HR that's covering for her . This is the reason why I fear retaliation if I put a complaint against her. Every employee has seen the way she mistreats people she doesn't like but they do not speak up in fear of retaliation as well. IS there something that I can do ?
I work for a big corporation at one of their small offices. my manager often times shows favoritism. If for whatever reason you don't rub her the right way or kiss up to her she can be very nasty. I myself have been victim to her vindictive ways. For the employees that she favors she often sweeps any issues or mistakes under the rug with no fuss. She's picked on me about my appearance told me I needed to wear make up and that I would look better if I lost some weight. There was also a male coworker who made several comments about my weight and even went as far as calling me the b word. And other than a firm talk he was not reprimanded. At one point I saw this male coworker breaking HIPPA regulation and reported it to the doctor. I was reprimanded and told that he was senior clinician and that I had to discuss my concerns with him before taking it to a higher authority. That employee was confronted by the manager and admitted to breaking Hyppa regulations and had no consequences to his actions. Following that she plays the HR claim stating I was unfit for my position because I had had A car accident a year prior which left nerve damage to my hand. During that time I was constantly being written up for mistakes that other employees that as well. She has done this to other employees who either ended up quitting or getting fired. She's had many reports against her to HR and has never been reprimanded so I believe that she has a close friendship with someone in HR that's covering for her . This is the reason why I fear retaliation if I put a complaint against her. Every employee has seen the way she mistreats people she doesn't like but they do not speak up in fear of retaliation as well. IS there something that I can do ?

Your recitation of events is common.
Forget HR, talk to a lawyer.
You've described elements of various forms of discrimination, for example FAT SHAMING.
Just keep doing the best job you can, ignore the chatter, take it with a smile while you SILENTLY see a lawyer and pursue a legal remedy.

From this point forward, don't react, don't talk back, do everything you're told with a smile.

If what you've said can be proven, you'll get have the last laugh.
Your situation may be unfair, but there may not be anything you can do other than seek employment elsewhere with a better environment.
It would be in Michigan, in the District of Columbia, and in some isolated communities located mostly but not entirely in California. Weight (Personal Appearance in DC, which includes but is not limited to weight) is a protected category in those locations.
Good to know!

I know it isn't protected in my state. When I do training on harassment & discrimination one thing I've always done is ask the employees what things they may think fall into protected categories. I then proceed to use myself as an example: my age (over 40) puts me in a protected class. However, my size (over....mumblemumble pounds) is not protected in our state. So if you are inclined to call me an old fat broad, be sure you leave out the "old" part because referring to my age could be considered discrimination in certain settings, but referring to my weight is not. I always strongly admonish them that it probably isn't advisable to refer to me as a "fat broad" to my face, either, but it isn't legally protected. :)

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