im under the age of 18 and underpaid


New Member
I am a 15 year old high school student and i have been working for about a year at a friend of my parents, the entire time i have been paid under the table at or below 6.25$ an hour, no member of my family has addressed this so far and i am looking for any help on the topic
I am a 15 year old high school student and i have been working for about a year at a friend of my parents, the entire time i have been paid under the table at or below 6.25$ an hour, no member of my family has addressed this so far and i am looking for any help on the topic

Don't expect to keep the job if you make noise over this.
I suggest you line up new employment before doing anything else.
What sort of "help" would you like?

Are you looking to "screw over" your parents' friend by making a wage claim with the state? Are you prepared to lose the job?

Also keep in mind that "under the table" is a euphemism for "illegally failing to withhold and report." Both the employer and employee are violating the law. Did you file federal and/or state income tax returns for the 2018 tax year? How much did you earn in 2018? Are you prepared to pay the taxes that should have been, but were not, withheld from your 2018 earnings?

I think you ought to discuss this with your parents and see if they want to talk with their friend/your employer about this.
i have been paid under the table at or below 6.25$ an hour, no member of my family has addressed this so far and i am looking for any help on the topic

You aren't paying TAXES on your earnings.

You are working UNDER the table, as in OFF the books.

You and the employer are CHEATING.

You are CONSPIRING with the employer to cheat the state of Michigan, the US government's IRS & Social Security Administration, if you complain the employer and you could suffer consequences.

You have what the law terms UNCLEAN hands.

You conspired with the employer to BREAK various laws.

There are thousands of jobs out there, the vast majority of them available through employers who OBEY local, state, and federal employment laws and regulations.

The best way to fix this mess is QUIT and find employment with an ethical employer.
For what it's worth, as a minor I would expect the OP would not have much of any consequence for coming forward. I just doubt there is much to gain from doing so.

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