Immigrant orphans children

Hello, My name is Daniele and my sister and I are here illegally in Usa, and we're orphans. I would like to know if there some way to we're to become legal?
[QUOTE = "justblue, post: 290808, member: 125211"] Quantos anos você tem e como chegou aos estados? Algum de vocês tem antecedentes criminais? [/ QUOTE]
Tenho 16 anos e ela 12 anos, we're came with visitors visa, and never did nothing criminal
[QUOTE = "justblue, post: 290808, member: 125211"] Quantos anos você tem e como chegou aos estados? Algum de vocês tem antecedentes criminais? [/ QUOTE]
Tenho 16 anos e ela 12 anos, we're came with visitors visa, and never did nothing criminal
Who are you staying with now? Do you have family in your home country? Were your parents with you here in the states? When did your parents pass away?

I'm very sorry for your loss, Daniele.
[QUOTE = "justblue, post: 290810, member: 125211"] Com quem você vai ficar agora? Você tem família no seu país de origem? Seus pais estavam com você aqui nos estados? Quando seus pais morreram?

Sinto muito pela sua perda, Daniele. [/ QUOTE]
Minha mãe nos deixou, ela estava o back to Brazil, and now we're are with a cousin, but distant cousin
[QUOTE = "justblue, post: 290810, member: 125211"] Com quem você vai ficar agora? Você tem família no seu país de origem? Seus pais estavam com você aqui nos estados? Quando seus pais morreram?

Sinto muito pela sua perda, Daniele. [/ QUOTE]
Minha mãe nos deixou, ela estava o back to Brazil, and now we're are with a cousin, but distant cousin
I'm sorry...I don't speak Spanish. Can you have someone translate your post to English please?
[QUOTE = "justblue, post: 290813, membro: 125211"] Desculpe ... eu não falo espanhol. Você pode alguém ter publicado seu post para o inglês, por favor? [/ QUOTE]
Oh, desculpe, meu celular é translan
[QUOTE = "justblue, post: 290813, member: 125211"] Desculpe ... eu não falo espanhol. Você pode alguém traduzir seu post para o inglês, por favor? [/ QUOTE]

I'm sorry my cell phone is translating alone, we are now with a distant cousin, and my mother came back to Brazil and left us here
Hello, My name is Daniele and my sister and I are here illegally in Usa, and we're orphans. I would like to know if there some way to we're to become legal?

You picked an inopportune time to ILLEGALLY enter the United States.

I suggest you contact "Catholic Charities", and one of the organizations on these websites for guidance, as they all claim to be in the business of assisting people who have scoffed at US immigration laws:

Immigration and Refugees : Charity Navigator

Immigration & Refugee Services - Catholic Charities USA

Here's a list of organizations that are mobilizing to help the influx of immigrants crossing the Texas-Mexico border
You picked an inopportune time to ILLEGALLY enter the United States.

I suggest you contact "Catholic Charities", and one of the organizations on these websites for guidance, as they all claim to be in the business of assisting people who have scoffed at US immigration laws:

Immigration and Refugees : Charity Navigator

Immigration & Refugee Services - Catholic Charities USA

Here's a list of organizations that are mobilizing to help the influx of immigrants crossing the Texas-Mexico border
OP didn't scoff. Her parent(s) did. Then abandoned them. They are children and were not given a choice Army Judge. Thank You for posting the links.
OP didn't scoff. Her parent(s) did. Then abandoned them. They are children and were not given a choice Army Judge.

I read the ALLEGED account of how they arrived here.

I also read their allegations of minority status.

I am skeptical of most things I read.
While you may find assistance, you will not find a magic solution that makes you lawfully present in the country.
You are minors and should expect to be returned to your family in your home country. If you choose to come back later, do so lawfully.

Without parents acting on tmyour behalf you should expect to be sent back.

Anyone remember Elian Gonzalez? I think of that case every time I hear of unaccompanied minors crossing the border.
I generally believe until an OP gives me reason to doubt.

I doubt EVERYTHING I hear or read from strangers.

I believe things told to me by fewer than a dozen people known to me and two of them are deceased, reducing that total to about 10.

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