Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI implied consent

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I haven't had an issue yet but I am curious about something I do. I am a licensed EMT-I trained in venipuncture and i work for a forensics company which does blood draws to evaluate for DUI. Under Georgia's implied consent all drivers consent to a chemical test of blood, breath, or urine (not the suspect's choice) when stopped under suspicion. The driver can still refuse but looses their license for at least a year and the refusal can be admitted as evidence. Some jurisdicitions get search warrants if they refuse.
Being the one who actually draws the blood from the suspect both with and without a search warrant, what are some of the most common mistakes made during the procedure which can jeopardize the results being able to be used?
Are you aware of any religious or other potential obsticals which may come up?
Were you not given any of this information by your employer? If not, then consult your employer as suggested.
What if I told you that males can only draw blood from males, and that certain religions are exempt from blood draws? That isn't correct, and it's irrelevant.

If you're smart, consult with your supervisor or manager.
It seems like the licensing agcy. or your employer would have given you this type of information originally/already. However; if they didn't, then you will have to ask.
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