Impossible Neighbor

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New Member
I have lived in my apartment almost 5 years. When I moved in I became friends with my neighbor because we share the back staircase. Over the years she became increasingly difficult to be friends with and I started to distance myself from her temper and mood swings. We are both women and live seperate lives but we used to have our doors open and talk. Now it has become increasingly difficult to even open my door. She has no real friends or relationship and has become increasingly jealous because I do. She will see friends over or hear us laughing and start to slam her doors, break dishes, and make loud noise in general. She knows I like to keep the back common area clean and have pretty flowers outside. She has a dog which is off leash and has only a baby gate to seperate us. She has placed mops, brooms, a bucket and hung towels out back to make it look like a tenement. I have called the offsite manager and he has contacted her but he does not really follow through. She will in turn try to find something to complain about me on but has nothing. There is an area on the roof that I sit in the sun which has always been fine with the management. She has taken her dog on the roof off leash and the dog uses it as a bathroom! I have complained about that and in turn she has come up and taken my picture without my permission while I am laying in the sun reading (with a bathing suit to clarify!) and then started to call me names and speak of my deceased mother whom she never met. She has a hot latin temper and is out of control. She has her backdoor wide open and turns up her t.v. so loud I can hear it down the hall. I am not moving and the manager does not seem to want to do anything about it. He is sick of hearing from both of us. What recourse do I have for such harrassment? I have a right to my area outback and to come and go with friends and my boyfriend without a confrontation. Please give me sage advice. I am 50 and she is 41 going on 12!
There is nothing you can do as these actions may be annoying they are hardly earth shaking. Your choices are simple move or learn to get along. I am not saying this to be mean but unless she ups the ante by taking actions that threaten or harm you or your family or property she is just a a pain in the rear
I see that in most replies to people with tenant or landlord issues the reply is "Have you thought of moving"? Why do we all have to keep moving? I feel that the issues need to be resolved by the manager and owner. They need to take responsibility for who lives on their property as well as the tenants taking responsibility for their actions. I was an apartment manager for a 30 unit building for many years in a very nice part of San Francisco and we never allowed this behavior to go on and on. I live in just a 12 unit building in a nice part of the city and the management just does not care to get involved. Other tenants have issues with noise of their neighbors etc. No one does anything about it. The cops have better things to do than to come and mediate. There needs to be rules and they need to be enforced. I don't see security buildings letting their tenants act like hoodlums why do we have to? They will send a warning letter and if the behavior does not cease and desist then out you go!!
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