Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant improper search procedure?

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I was pulled over for an expired county decal in virginia. The officer asked if he could search the car and I denied permission. a check revealed my license to be revolked. The officer did not issue a citation for either offence. I was informed the car was to be impounded and an inventory search would be performed. The search resulted in a small amount of rock cocaine inside a cake on the front passenger seat. I was informed the evidence was to be forwarded to an indictement commity and was released on site. I then made arrangements to have my car driven home from the site where I pulled over. The car was not impounded. Can the evidence be suppressed?
So were you charged? possesion I thought as grounds for an arrest. What were you actually charged with? If you have the alpha-numerical code for the actual violation that would help.
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