New Member
my mother in law had me arrested for a&b .since then she has left me about 70 voice mails saying she made it up along w/threats on my life ,and threats to have me arrested ,threats to call the state board to have my barber licence suspended ,and she will not stop until I'm dead or in jail .she has access to money and good lawyers .this past week i have lost a good paying job($300+day)because i had to go to court on my second day i was told not to bother coming back to work .i cant sleep and when i do i have nightmares .I'm constantly afraid of being falsely arrested and to top it off this is all costing me money i don't have (court ,lawyers ,bail ,etc.)my land lord lives upstairs and of coarse was home when the cops arrested me my wife was also there and is a witness to the whole thing .my life has become hell i have no job no money and she will not stop until I'm dead or in jail .PLEASE HELP