In need of advice...Lengthy

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New Member
My daughter is 4 years ex and I divorced when she was 1.

I have been trying to negotiate more custody of my daughter for quite some time ex continued to say be patient, I obliged. Stupid I know. But we were both new parents and I did not know all my rights. Currently I have shared legal with some visitation.

December of this past year, I filed for Modification of Custody because I could see my ex wanted me "to be patient" for the next 15 years. Went to Mediation with no success in an agreement. A week before the conciliation my ex filed for relocation to Ohio with a man she hasn't even known for a year. She wants me to agree to relocation with every other weekends....that's less then I have now. Needless to say no agreement at the conciliation so we went on to a hearing two weeks later. At the conciliation my ex made some very agressive accusations of alcoholism. As told my attorney when we were younger we BOTH partied quite a bit....we BOTH drink alot. My attorney suggested that I go for drug and alcohol evaluation - i did with my risk being "low". Within that two weeks my ex decided she is now engaged and her attorney owns his own business. The boyfriend DOES NOT own his own business! In fact the company he works for is based out of Pennsylvania not Ohio.

The judge at the hearing heard both attorneys and felt I deserved more custody, she even felt my ex's boyfriend could relocate to PA if he owned his own business. With lots of going back and forth the Judge ruled that we have psych evals.....well psych eval cost is based on a payscale....I work - she does not.
Her constant bragging was because she lived at home, had a built in babysitter and received child support she doesn't have to work....Well, the psych evals will cost me $2750.00 and her only $750.00. She has a Master's degree and is working on a second Master's - she's a career student! Isn't there a Special Relief petition I could file to stop her from taking my daughter to Ohio until this is settled? There's no way to petition the courts to be more fair with the payscale? She chooses not to work.

This is very frustrating especially because the move is not in the best interest of my daughter. My daughter's enire family - both sides - lives here, all within a one mile radius. None of her reasons meet the Gruber vs. Gruber. And one last point.....this time last year she was dating a different guy and was threatening to move her where her lived.
You really need to be asking your attorney; s/he knows your case intimately and we really can't second guess him/her.
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