Inaccurate Job Requirements


New Member
I wanted to apply for a specific position, and according to both the advertisements for the job and their official website, I should have been qualified (the listing says "have a Bachelor's degree in any field or at minimum an Associate's degree in Early Childhood Education"). However, after preparing a 6 page resume, I was told they are only considering candidates with a Bachelor's degree. Is this bait & switch legal for hiring?
It's not illegal. The employer could have just said, "thanks, but no thanks," and the result would have been the same as far as you're concerned.

P.S. It would be incredibly rare for most employers to want a resume more than one or two pages.
Just because you meet the minimum qualifications dies bit bean they have to consider you fire employment.
Perhaps they had many applicants who were more qualified. ShrinSome employers receive so many applications they have to narrow thet down to a manageable amount of the ones they deem most qualified.
I got a 19 page one a few weeks ago...and it got tossed pretty immediately— and I am in the ECE field.... NO reason we need to know every detail of every job - had one candidate write in detail on her resume about how she created coloring sheets for her students

Just because it was a minimum qualification does not mean that is all they can consider... it's just the MINIMUM that they want.....if they can't find someone with a Bachelors
It's not illegal. The employer could have just said, "thanks, but no thanks," and the result would have been the same as far as you're concerned.

P.S. It would be incredibly rare for most employers to want a resume more than one or two pages.

It included a cover letter, 2 pages with education, experience, and references, transcripts with relevant state trainings, a copy of my CDA, and a letter of recommendation. It wasn't just 6 pages about myself lol.
The two pages and the cover letter would have been quite enough to start. Time enough to send the rest if they're interested in seeing you and ask for it.
Regardless of the resume, they have no obligation to interview you for the job simply because you submitted an application.
It seems very likely others were more qualified and you got edged out.
Keep trying. Something will come along.
We also don't know if. We're only considering candidates with a Bachelor's degree is true, or a polite way of saying to you, We're not interested, go away.

And yes, a lie of that sort is quite legal.

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