inaccurate paycheck

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New Member
My paycheck is wrong by as much as 50- 500 once a month. I've brought it to management's attention, with no avail, still is inaccurate. I'm tired of calculating my check every week!? Can I bring outside pressure on my employer to force them to correct the problem?
Yes, you can report the matter to your state's wage and labor board.

However, people get the money, but sometimes get the axe, too.
What is causing the problem, do you know?

Are you paid in arrears or to date?

(To date means that when you get your check on Friday the 14th (for example), it include the time that you are working from the 1st to the 14th. In arrears means that when you get paid on Friday the 21st, it is for the work you did between the 1st and the 14th)
Our payroll is weekly and the work week is from sun to sat.. They have been making the corrections but why do I have to continually put up with such incompetency? Or am I a victim of some sort of harassment? When I bring it to their attention I am made to feel as if I were the one putting them out! You have to understand it's like there's a criminal feel to it.
Our payroll is weekly and the work week is from sun to sat.. They have been making the corrections but why do I have to continually put up with such incompetency? Or am I a victim of some sort of harassment? When I bring it to their attention I am made to feel as if I were the one putting them out! You have to understand it's like there's a criminal feel to it.

Report it, see what the state has to say. Otherwise, whats's the point? All you can do is report it, let the authorities investigate, and keep doing your job. Or, get another job. We're all nothing to the holders of power and the elite in this world. Once you understand your true insignificance, you grasp just how hopeless and useless it all is and how meaningless the unwashed are to the nobles.
You didn't answer my question about whether you are paid to date or in arrears, and there is a reason why I am asking that makes a difference to how I answer.
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