Indefinite Suspension

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I work at a restaurant in Connecticut. Yesterday afternoon I walked into our back server station and heard the computer printer beeping. There was another waitress getting coffee for her table. I went to check the printer to see if it was out of paper. I opened it up and it was full. Just as I was opening it the manager on duty came around the corner and asked me if ot was out of paper. I said no I dont know what's wrong with it and then the whole computer shut off. Shortly after inspecting the wires and cables in the back we noticed that a wire basket hanging above the power strip had ice in it. This is unusual because we keep meus returned from tables here. I took the ice out and the manager removed the basket from the wall. Later the entire wait staff was questioned about who had done it. They told us they didn't care who did it and if nobody talked that we were staying there until someone fessed up. No one said anything and then the threat turned to indefinite suspension for everyone. The server station is directly outside the kitchen where there are cameras located. At the end of the night I went to turn in my cash out and one other server and myself noticed we were the only ones out of four to be suspended. They already had all of our shifts covered for the upcoming week. When asked why it was only us the one manager replied that it was because the owner saw us in the kitchen before the ice was discovered. No one was actually seen putting ice in the basket. I don't know if this is legal or not. I am being punished for something I didn't do and there is no evidence to prove one way or another. This isn't the first time they have suspended people without just cause, I'm just not sure if there is something I could do about it. Being out of work just one week will cost me around $1,200 and that's a lot of money to a poor college student!:eek: Please let me know if there's anything I can do. Thanks!
I'm sorry, but suspending you because they believe you were engaged in misconduct is legal, even if they are mistaken. It's unfair but it doesn't violate any laws.
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