Consumer Law, Warranties Indemnification - Need some clarification

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New Member
I am considering entering into a contract with a business which provides web businesses and web design. Their contract has indemnification clauses for both the customer and the company. The majority of the language used seems to be standard from my research on these clauses. However, I need to know if it is typical for these indemnification clauses to include language such as "any negligent or illegal act or omission of the customer..." as well as reverse for the company.

Basically, I am concerned that if this company did do something illegal I would still be contractually bound to defend them against the claim if I indemnify them.

I may be totally reading this incorrectly, so any help would be much appreciated.

Without reading the entire contract it is impossible to say. And without knowing the specifics of the business arrangement you wish to paper, it is impossible to say whether the contract does what it is intended to do.

Offhand, I would say that such clauses are not unheard-of, and your concern is legit.
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