Indiana Amancepation Rules

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I need information on what happens when the child turns 21 in the state of Indiana. Do I submit a form, does the welfare division stop the support automatically?? I've looke on a dozen sites and can't find what I am looking for. He lives in Deleware County by the way.

If you find out anything from these postings, would you share them with me, as I have a child that should be emancipated also, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
Thanks much!:)
You will need to file a petition to stop child support. If the child is 18, not in school, not working or living with any parent, married, or in armed services, you can file. Child support does not automatically stop in Indiana. You need a form called Petition for Modification of support and/or modification of visitation. Call the county prosecutor's office in which your support is in. They should mail the form to you. Go to and look under child support guidelines.

Good Luck,
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