Sentencing, Plea Bargains indictided

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can a person bond out if they are indicted but they are also on porole

In most cases a person indicted can secure bond for his ir her release.
In Texas, no matter the charge, a person can secure bail.
Bail is not supposed to be so high that it is effectively used to punish a person who is only accused of a crime.

The problem for you, Black813, is that you'll have a hold placed on you by the corrections authorities.
That hold is often called a "blue warrant" in Texas, maybe in GA, too.
We call it a "blue warrant" because its always on blue paper.
Whether the corrections hold is on blue, white, green,or yellow paper; is unimportant.
Wat is important is that a parolee is not a free person.
Parole is simply an extension of confinement, in a virtual sense.

If you're on parole, even if you make bond on the indictment, you aren't getting out.
You have a right to a hearing on your parole revocation.
If that goes well, then you you're liable to be able to post bail.

Good luck.
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