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New Member
Infidelity is a Felony crime in Wisconsin. I am currently going through divorce of my wife for her infidelity. Are there any Lawyers in the area of Waupaca Wi. that would persue a case in this matter or alienation of affection lawsuit against the other party?
Thank you :eek:
Divorce her and move on.

Adultery is rarely prosecuted and your state abolished its alienation of affection statute.
Wisconsin is a "no-fault" divorce state. One spouse's infidelity is immaterial, insofar as a divorce action is concerned. The court cannot consider infidelity when dividing property, awarding maintenance, determining support, or other financial matters. It can impact on custody and placement issues, however, if the spouse's actions has a deleterious impact on your minor children.

I'm sure you can find many good lawyers in your area. You'd do better by asking friends, co-workers, and relatives. Or, start interviewing them on your own,
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