Inflated appraisal

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I bought a house in June 2005. My appraisal comparables were houses not in my sub division. The houses in my sub division are all comparable within 10-30,000 dollars.
Looking at the county's records, I see that I paid about 60,000 more then a person buying a house 5 months before and 5 months afterward. There was a spike at the time of about 4 houses in the 3 to 4 month period I bought mine in, where the buyers paid 60,000 to 80,000 more then at any other time.
My questions are: how can I tell if the appraisal is fraudently inflated or was it just bad timing on my part?
2nd question: If I can determine fraud, what steps can I take to remedy this?
And how sucessful might I be?
The apprasied value has nothing to do with your purchase price. You pay based on how much you want the house and the price the seller is willing to accept.

There are people who pay three or four times the appraised value because they want the house that bad.
The apprasied value has nothing to do with your purchase price. You pay based on how much you want the house and the price the seller is willing to accept.

The apprasial was for 7 thousand more.

There are people who pay three or four times the appraised value because they want the house that bad.

That wouldn't describe me. I just wanted a place to live for a reasonable price.
If the appraised value is greater than your purchase price, you luck out. What's the problem?

That's what I thought too. But I apparently live in a state where
there are few consumer agencies and rampant consumer fraud.
So shysters are around every turn; I sincerely doubt if there are
that many honest people here.
I also thought I could trust the appraiser.
I should have taken the course "shyster 101" , my mistake. :eek:
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