Injured at work and being harassment by supervisor

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I've been injured (repetitive stress) from a work related injury and my line supervisor continually harasses me that I cannot work weekends, or 9 hours, due to doctors restrictions. In the past, with this injury, she has already threatened me with insubordination, and has stated to me "that I am useless" because I cannot perform my usual job due to the restrictions. (My doctor has the MRI that shows damage to my thumb) She also made a comment that I really felt uncomfortable with she stated the "you know us White People, we only know English" I feel uncomfortable with this due to the fact I'm German,and I speak German. I hope she is not harassing me because of my Ethnic background. Due to all the added stress I've but myself into counseling, so at least I have someone I trust that I can talk to

I have gone to her supervisor twice in the past stating that she has threatened my job, called me useless, and gets angry with me because of my ongoing injury((....all incidences with many witnesses) But he has just talked to her, I've asked for a line transfer, but he denied it.

I really feel as if the company is being unfair to me.
What legal options do I have???
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