Injury while shopping.

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My husband and I were shopping tonight and this retail store had a big bin on wheels full of stuff that I was looking at. The bin sits on the rolling wheels which have a little locking thing on the side of it. I was looking in the bin and kicked the wheel and the little locking part cut my pinky toe. The skin was pushed up and bleeding. I asked my husband to please get me a paper towel. He told the workers at the desk my wife stubbed her toe and it's bleeding can you give me a paper towel. The worker said go get some from the restroom. Which my hubby did. No paper towels so he brought me toilet tissue. Never did anyone from the store see if I was okay , ask what happen never helped nor offered me a band aid. Nothing. I was pissed. I went and took pics with my phone of the wheel and the workers at the desk. And my toe after I cleaned the blood a little. Then I called the manager while on my way home told him what happen and that I was upset and no help was offered. He said he was un aware of this and will speak to who was working tonight. And that he was sorry. I told him I would like to speak with the store manager. He said she will be in at 11 on Sunday.
My question is how can this retail store treat an injury this way and never offered me any help. I am upset and would like to know my rights, what if any thing can I do ?
You cut your toe and it bled. Just what did you expect the store employees to do; get you a wheelchair and race you to the nearest ER?

This was a minor cut; nothing serious.

You should be more careful of where you're walking.

Learn your lesson and try to be more careful. You can push complaint against the retail store, but practically not viable as an option.
Reply to injury while shopping.

Thank You all for your kind replies. As if I was unaware that I had an accident. I understand that I am in control of my own body movements . It doesn't take a law degree to figure that out ! However my point was that this store never offered any help and was never concerned that any incident took place on their property. Is it to much too ask for the employees of this store to do their job ? Is it any harm to offer help to any one that needed first aid ? This was on their property. And for you to go as far as say I need a wheel chair their is enough dumb butt in the world.
While you may feel it was wrong for the employees to ignore you after you stubbed your toe, I don't see any negligence.

I didn't just stub my toe. (As you put it) the skin was peeled back and yes it was bleeding. No I was not dying, I just needed a little first aid. I do know that it is their job to report any incidents to their Supervisors which they failed to do. Any how, I'm thru I have all ready solved this with the store. But Thanks anyways.
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