Prison, Jail Inmate Transfer

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I'm trying to find out how to get an inmate in Franklin Parish Detention Center moved to Dixon Correctional Institute. He is now 18 months away from being eligible for parole and would like to participate in some educational opportunities before he goes in front the parole board. Such opportunities are extremely limited at Franklin Parish Detention Center. I've been doing some research online and keep running across an ARP-1 form that the inmate has to submit to the warden of their assigned facility. I want to know if there is any other way to go about getting the inmate moved.
I'm trying to find out how to get an inmate in Franklin Parish Detention Center moved to Dixon Correctional Institute. He is now 18 months away from being eligible for parole and would like to participate in some educational opportunities before he goes in front the parole board. Such opportunities are extremely limited at Franklin Parish Detention Center. I've been doing some research online and keep running across an ARP-1 form that the inmate has to submit to the warden of their assigned facility. I want to know if there is any other way to go about getting the inmate moved.

The corrections authorities make the decision where they house ALL inmates.
If an inmate wants to move from prison XXX to prison QQQ for a good reason, they are instructed how to request such a move.

Ultimately the decision rests with the authorities. The request begins with the inmate. I suggest you remind your inmate to start the process as prescribed in his prisoner handbook.

There's nothing you can do officially. He must start the process.
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