Instagram "model" with the 'largest cheeks in the world' thinks they're still too small!

army judge

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An Instagram model claims to have the "biggest cheeks in the world".


Anastasia Pokreshchuk has spent more than £1,500 getting fillers to enhance her cheekbones.

Extreme body model addicted to cheek filler injects her own face to look 'weird'

They're now so sharp they jut out of her face – but the 39-year-old still isn't happy with their size.

She said: "You may think that they are too big but I think that they're a little bit small, I need to refresh them again soon."

Anastasia, from Kiev, Ukraine, had her first cheek injections done when she was 26.

Four years on, she's lost count of how many times she's had filler done.

Model with the 'biggest cheeks in the world' says they're still too small

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