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Could I be rehired by a company if I was fired for insubordination? The condition was I failed to attend a mandatory meeting. The event took place some 11 years ago, and I am interested in rejoining this company. A friend who works in HR says he cannot locate any derogitory information (file) on me. Most of the leadership has moved on since then. Would I be considered, or will they have likely "blacklisted me? :)
This is not legal Advice!

This question is easy, "you will never know unless you try".
You have nothing to loose and everything to gain!!! ;)

Good Luck!
Okay but a followup question on insubordination

Are there any legal implications that would prohibit a company from rehiring someone if they have been fired?
Same answer as the other board you posted this question on. If the employer wishes to rehire you, they are free to do so.
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