I have been groped , talked to in a foul suggestive manor, been insulted,screamed at and cussed out with spit hitting me in the face. My private life has been questioned my sex life joked about. I have been laughed at, propositioned, and had on numerous times after bending over to retrieve something off ground had my ponytail pulled yanking my head towards a male crotch while hearing "while your down there". My children have been insulted for their choice in spouses and colors of children and have had my grown daughter's sexual life discussed. My grandchildren have been insulted and talked about by the two men in my company that have made my life a living hell. When I finally called district manager to come in nothing was done, I had to go into an office with these men and the district manager made me repeat in front of the men what I had told him on phone. Nothing was done, I had to come in alone very next morning to work alone in back room with these men. After calling district manager in on my harassment claim only thing that happened was that my job became harder, district manager making impossible tasks for me and me getting in trouble for not completing on his timetable, every move I made was scrutinized. I became so stressed that going in everyday became a struggle. I became sick was hospitalized, couldn't get well, used all personal days and vacation days and was told if I missed any more time my salary would be docked even if I had Dr note.I finally put in my two weeks notice, last day would have been 23 & I start new job on 26 th told today on 17th not to come back so now I'm losing a weeks paycheck. Do I have a case, if so I'm in the Little Rock Arkansas area and can't find a lawyer for this issues using your search, what can I do???