Insurance agency claims I ran through a red light..

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I was involved in a accident at an intersection where a driver did a left turn in front of my car and because the police wouldn't file a report unless there was an injury and there were no witnesses that stopped, the driver at fault's insurance agency is claiming I ran a red light and hit their client while she was making a left turn.

I've tried the local businesses seeing if anyone had security cameras that overlooked the intersection and I can't get any information out of the lapd of course so I wanting to know if there is anything else I can do to try and get the responsible party to pay up?

It's basically a he said/she said situation but I'm not wanting to let some girl get away with ruining a paid off car that is still worth something and I especially am not interested in accepting any blame on this as I had a green light.

If you have any ideas or suggestions it would be much appreciated as other attorney's do not seem interested unless I suffered an injury which beyond the minor cut on my arm, I did not.

Some other details if it concerns anyone..

It occurred 1:30am at night.

I was heading west after leaving work and a block away from where I work and I've gone through this intersection every night for the last 5 years..

The intersection where the accident occurred has a left turn light for east/westbound traffic. After the left turn light goes off, then all lanes east/westbound get a green light and anyone turning left at that point is supposed to yield..

I was stopped at the red light along with a bunch of other cars and the usual process of cars turning left in front of us occurred and then we got the green light. I made it to almost the other side of the intersection when a oncoming car did a left turn in front of my car. Her front bumper impacted dead center of my car.

My car had the airbags deployed and according to the insurance company, is totaled. The LAPD did show up to move my car since it was partially blocking the intersection. The police traded insurance information between myself and the other driver and that was it.
You can put an advertisement in local newspapers, the legal section. You post your contact information and ask if anyone saw a collision on Main Street at Memory Lane that happened about 2:40 AM on Tuesday, 14 DEC between a red pickup and a blue sedan. That will sometimes shake lose people that saw the accident.

You can post the same information on Craigslist and other online forums in your area. You could also post flyers with the same information on lightpoles and in businesses near the site of the incident.

Be prepared to get no responses, even after you've done everything I've suggested. So, you might want to get your insurance company involved. At least your transportation needs will be met.
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