insurance claim

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I need help with knowing how to sort out our insurance and get them to finish sorting out the claim as every time i email them or phone they can never tell us anything this has been going on since april they have financially ruined us as they were supposed to give us food allowance for eight people and were not giveing enough so we havent paid any bills since april as we had to use all our money on food as we had no kitchen. We did as last manage to get our large electrical items in september after a lot of pushing they also said that once we have recieved these items they would back date the food alowance that we were supposed to have and sort out the rest of our claim but everytime we get in touch they have some excuse i dont know what else to do we are having letters ofter letters demanding money for unpaid bills and have to keep our phone of the hook as we cant make payments or offer payments until we have the back dated money i have contacted them a few times since october so if anyone has any advice for me
It's hard for us to answer a question on UK insurance. Maybe dee_dub can answer.
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