Insurance Non Par provider

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Insurance Non Par provider/ Medical Billing

We are a Substance Abuse Facility in Florida and we just started billing for insurance for our clients . We are non participating with all insurances accept for 2 BCBS and Beechstreet. Our Client paid cash for her services here at the facility then asked for us to bill her United Healthcare which we did. United Healthcare sent us the checks for services render for certain days but not all days of service were paid. We reimbursed the client for services that had been paid.But we did not reimburse for services not paid to us. We resubmitted the dates of service not paid for payment to the benefit administrator for which she stated that she would submit them for payment.

Then the Benefit admimistrator requested that we pay the client in full for all the services including the ones not paid. I believe that we should only pay back the money we have received. What is the proper thing to do.
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