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My mother bought a 20 year policy and she received a letter from the company saying that she was no longer covered beacuse the 20 years have passed. They sent her a check for $16.04, saying that was her over payment. She called the company and they told her that if she wanted to get a straight life insurance policy she should've done it when she was 65 years old. They said they let her kept the insurance for an extra 3 years out of good faith. I don't understand how they can do that, because if they knew she would not be covered why would they still take her payments she has sent to them for the last 3 years? I want to know if there is anything I can do the help her get at least the last 3 years of her money back when they knew her policy was no longer any good. The person also said that the information was in the policy and that my mother should've read it more carefully, which she should have, but I also think a company should inform you of imprortant things like that when the times nears for you to make changes like that. :confused: Help Please. Thanks Elizabeth
Did the company send a letter to her advising her of this fact while making a claim that they are not 'waiving' their rights? In essence, this is a notice stating that while they are accepting payments, your mother shouldn't rely on coverage beyond the alotted time and that they have a right to not be so 'generous' whenever they want. If they didn't send a notice... then perhaps there is some issue of 'reliance' by your mother... but I'm not sure that is a strong argument.

Originally posted by Elizabeth
My mother bought a 20 year policy and she received a letter from the company saying that she was no longer covered beacuse the 20 years have passed. They sent her a check for $16.04, saying that was her over payment. She called the company and they told her that if she wanted to get a straight life insurance policy she should've done it when she was 65 years old. They said they let her kept the insurance for an extra 3 years out of good faith. I don't understand how they can do that, because if they knew she would not be covered why would they still take her payments she has sent to them for the last 3 years? I want to know if there is anything I can do the help her get at least the last 3 years of her money back when they knew her policy was no longer any good. The person also said that the information was in the policy and that my mother should've read it more carefully, which she should have, but I also think a company should inform you of imprortant things like that when the times nears for you to make changes like that. :confused: Help Please. Thanks Elizabeth
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