This person is not in the military any more, he wasn't in the army but was in the Marine corps. so I do not know if that would make a difference. he was released in 2004, This person is my ex.
The short story is:
when I first met my ex he had told me he had a four year old son. we later married and got pregnant (failed pregnancy), while I was pregnant I had talked to his mother and asked her why he never liked talking about his son, Collin. she told me that was not his son that it was his fathers son, his younger half brother. I confronted him about this and he told me he didn't tell me because he was afraid too, and that he had claimed Collin as a dependent and could get in trouble for it.
once we went to court to fight over our son I had brought this fact up along with others to show the judge his character and how often he lies about everything. he denied that he had ever told me such a thing and played me off as a crazy person making things up. later in court I came across a home video of us before we were married. stating that he had claimed he had a son to me. nothing, no one cared about his lies.
I have consider the fact that he might have lied about claiming Collin as a dependent, since he has lied since day one.
I am preparing for the next time in court and I would like to have this to strengthen my case, if it is possible.
this man is doing everything to hinder my relationship with our son. our son loves me and I Love him more than anything, I'm so tired of him using our son as a pawn to hurt me for breaking up with him.
Our son thought it would be a good idea to tell his father he was in heaven so he could live with me forever. he did say this in a child-like way but it is still wrong on all levels that a child would be okay with there father thinking they were dead.
everything this man does is with a goal in mind. he always takes, and never gives unless there is a string attached. he is also hung up on status, being the "primary custodial parent" is only important to him because of the title and the power that comes with, the ability to control our son and make me do what he wants just to have any extra time with him.
this doesn't even begin to scratch the surface!
whatever advice you have would be highly appreciated.
and I'll try not to get in trouble !
again Thank you!