Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Interviewed by loss prevention, Then fired.

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New Member
Earlier today while at work a loss prevention worker interviewed me today accusing me of over 700 dollars in supposed theft. I admitted to what I had taken, which was a video game and some candys in the 6 months I had been working there. He told me that it wasnt enough, He needed me to confess to more if I wanted to leave without getting in trouble, He told me there was more and I insisted that was all I took. He then begun to hint that I had been bagging items that I hadnt scanned and charged customers for and that I needed to name the items and dates of when it happened. I told him that I admit to making mistakes like not scanning something etc, after all I'm human.. But I assured him that I never knowingly gave a customer and item without paying. He begun to raise his voice and intimmidated me and threatened me to the point where I begun to make up fake items and prices to which he agreed ( because he supposedly knew about all the items and just wanted me to confess) and acknowlege that I had taken. After that was over I felt pretty bad because I realize I had just dug my own grave and lied about stealing something that I didnt. I just didnt want to go to jail and I was afraid that he had evidence of me stealing the initial item and not scanning things. he proceeded to hint at clothes, cd's, dvd players.. so I just went along with it. I realize now that this guy was full of shit and he didnt really have enough evidence to pursue a felony charge and I gave him exactly what he wanted. He did not call the police, He made me sign a paper stating what i had stolen and what I had let customers take and then an apology letter to the company. I of course like an idiot thinking that if I denied signing he would call the police, signed it. he then informed me I was being terminated and that it was my last day. My concerns now are, Will I be arrested later? is this just like a slap on the wrist? He did inform me that his job was just to get credit for all the items missing and that my confession was crucial for that. I feel like I was played and ridiculed and that I might have just pissed my entire future and possible career away with this.. please help... any advice? ( I have a clean record, Never been in trouble in my life)
The store has until the stute of limitations expires to file a criminal complaint. Depending on if this is a misdemeanor or felony will tell how long they have. however its no less than one year.
I guess my real question is, if they wanted me prosecuted / arrested.. why did they not do it at the store? What would compell the to all of a sudden press charges???
It is obvious that I was coerced into admitting fault for all the items I did not take. my total in actual theft was below 50 dollars... And even THAT they have no video evidence of. But they have my written confession.. Another question I have is, Can they use that against me in a court of law? I was not read my rights.. I was coerced.. And now I fear they will deduct money from my next paycheck.. and possibly ask me to pay more.. and they will also inform any other national retailer that I am a theif.. Is there ANYTHING at all that I can do about this to defend myself?
Yes they can use the written confession, its very strong evidence against you. Your miranda rights apply to Police contact not LP interviews
bbj305 said:
I guess my real question is, if they wanted me prosecuted / arrested.. why did they not do it at the store? What would compell the to all of a sudden press charges???

They may still file charges. They have until statute of limitations expires to do so. Fact they have not might be good sign they do not intend to
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