intestate father- distribution in NYS

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My father died intestate, how is his estate divided in NYS??

Now to complicate...if his father died intestate, and my father was an only child, with a dead mother, and my grandfather left real estate- how big a deal is it to establish a clear title (deed?) to the property if NOTHING was done except pay the taxes for the last 40 years??? Right now the deed is (I believe) in my grandmothers name (right- she had no will either!)
It's difficult to answer. To begin, the estate may go through probate. Additionally, there are laws that govern the distribution of an estate per each estate which will be the case here since everyone did not have a will (I hope that you see the importance of your creating one!) If all the parents are dead, as well as spouse, it would seem that next in line would be children, but that depends upon the state and other variables that we may not know. Obtaining title is a matter of time and you may want to have a trust and estates lawyer handle this matter.
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