Sep 17, 2014 #1 H HaroldSkovronsk Banned Hello Everyone, i am Harold Skovronsky a professional lawyer in New York. I have years of experience in solving disability and personal injuries cases. For more visit my The Law Offices of Harold Skovronsky.
Hello Everyone, i am Harold Skovronsky a professional lawyer in New York. I have years of experience in solving disability and personal injuries cases. For more visit my The Law Offices of Harold Skovronsky.
Sep 17, 2014 #2 army judge Super Moderator Another naughty perpetrating deceiver trying to set up SPAM SHOP from over there on our little forum. Howdy, FAKE Harold. You're a PROFESSIONAL LAWYER, HUH? How does that differ from an unprofessional one? LOL You guys slay, you really slay me. Oh, almost forgot, FAUX counselor: How do you SOLVE those disability cases? You slay me, you really slay me. Last edited: Sep 17, 2014
Another naughty perpetrating deceiver trying to set up SPAM SHOP from over there on our little forum. Howdy, FAKE Harold. You're a PROFESSIONAL LAWYER, HUH? How does that differ from an unprofessional one? LOL You guys slay, you really slay me. Oh, almost forgot, FAUX counselor: How do you SOLVE those disability cases? You slay me, you really slay me.