About a month ago my Girlfriend and I (also a co-worker) amicably agreed to end our relationship, still work together, but the romance was over. I did have another female that I met about 6 months ago(a non employee) but it was strictly friendship & an occasional dinner together. With in 10 days of terminating our relationship, my co-worker(ex-girlfriend) fully aware I was seeing someone else, does an about face and Reports me to our "Personnel dept" (HR) for Sex harassment. I couldn't believe she would stoop to this level. After my co-worker and I both met with the HR Transact Rep, it was concluded that the relationship was "Consensual". Obviously, my co-worker had some issues with me dating another woman. Since this nightmare took place, I have checked with our company's HR Transact Rep a few days ago. I was shocked to find that eventhough the incidient is closed the initial report/complaint that my co-worker filed with HR will remain in my employee file. I feel "Violated" and Labeled as an "Accused Harasser". I am getting snide remarks constantly from mostly the female staff in my dept, the entire atmospfere is forever changed. Why is it the female usually is always looked on with sympathy and the man is the bad guy?? Also, I have noticed that although this accusation was dismissed, even my own District Manager is treating me with a cold shoulder. If I so much as take an extra minute bathroom break, I am warned that I am not respecting our "Written Policies".
This is "Insane" . Now it appears the company does not care if I am innocent, they just want to get rid of me. Basically, all my 11 years of hard work and dedication to my company is washed right down the drain. My Career with my firm is "Done".. I have contacted an "Employment Attorney". To my surprise he told me that the important thing is I am cleared, went on to say that the co-workers are entitled to think and say whatever they feel about me & the situation. My Reputation is wounded severely, why can't people mind their own business?? My Attorney said that the simple fact that I had an relationship with a co-worker that I opened myself up for this kind of treatment, said it is always "Risky", and that no one twisted my arm to start a relationship in work. "Slander" cases are very difficult to prove and can be quite costly. Now I find out this past week that I am being "Investigated" by our comapny's "Control Compliance officer", by law they didnot have to notify me prior to beginning this witch hunt of an investigation. I also found two "Warning Notices" on my desk this past Monday. Apparently, my DM went back two Months and checked if I took any extra time for Lunch in January. "Of Course" he found "Three times" that I took an extra 15 minutes and didnot record this on my Time sheet. My questions are?? Can they do this?? Are "Warnings" considered serious in nature. What if I refuse to sign or initial the warnings?? I am one of the most "Valuable" employees the company has, but now they don't seem to care. From this point on, can my Company give me "Written Warnings" or even minor offenses? and can I be terminated on written warnings alone?? Please help with whatever advice you have??
Thank you.