IRS tax claiming

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New Member
If neither of my two children live with me, is there anyway I can claim them on my taxes if I pay child support? Is there any way I can get any portion the money I paid or does the IRS say the HELL with you guy.
The custodial parent has rights to claim the children automatically, unless you are specifically awarded the deduction by the courts in the decree. you might have to go to court and ask to claim one. I doubt the courts will give you both, you can try asking for one or both.
The custodial parent has rights to claim the children automatically, unless you are specifically awarded the deduction by the courts in the decree. you might have to go to court and ask to claim one. I doubt the courts will give you both, you can try asking for one or both.


Any idea how often the court will make such an award when it clearly can be evidenced that both parties are sharing the expenses equally OR even that the non custodial parent is paying a larger share. What weight does income of each party carry in such a decision?

When the kids leave home for college it becomes easier in my mind to determine who's paying what. In my situation I pay 1/2 of all tuition/board, all medical and dental insurance, cell phones and transfer money monthly to my sons checking account and my EX still refuses to allow me an occasional exemption......
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