Is administrator entitled to recoup money for repairs


New Member
As adminisrator I have spent my own money on Legal fees, delinquent taxes and hoa fees that my brother ignored while living in the home. Also repairs and upkeep of the property. Am I entitled to reembursment of these cost?
As adminisrator I have spent my own money on Legal fees, delinquent taxes and hoa fees that my brother ignored while living in the home. Also repairs and upkeep of the property. Am I entitled to reembursment of these cost?

Are you the administrator of the estate of a deceased person?

If you are, perhaps this will help:

Estate Administration in Florida - Ayo and Iken

Florida Probate | Summary Administration in Florida

Consumer Pamphlet: Probate In Florida – The Florida Bar
I'll respond to your question with a question: Why did you use your personal funds rather than estate funds?

Also, do you have attorney representing you in your capacity as administrator? If not, you should.